Course Outline
Microsoft Access is a highly worthwhile skill to have at your command as this very popular database application is widely used across many employment sectors.
Offering training in either 2010 or 2013, in this detailed and varied training programme you’ll be guided through many aspects of Access including; database terminology; planning and design; defining relationships and creating a table; editing data; using advanced tools; using the query wizard; adding a field; exporting an html document; adding charts to forms; and creating macros.
• Learn how to use this popular database program
• The flexibility and value of a self-study course designed to enable you to work at your own pace
• A workbook to use as a reference guide on completion of the course
• The opportunity to gain the widely recognised Pitman Training Certificate
To teach the Microsoft Access program to an employable level and to cover the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist test (MCAS) and ECDL Advanced (Database) exam.
This popular database programme is used in many industries by those wishing to keep accurate, up to date records of customers, projects, products etc. So, for example, if you’re working as a PA, EA, VA, Secretary, Administrator or Customer Services Executive, learning how to use this software properly will help you and your skill stand out from the crowd.
Lesson One – Including: terminology, working with existing databases, opening a table, query, form and report, entering new records, searching and sorting.
Lesson Two – Including: planning and design, relationships, defining fields, data types and properties, creating tables, entering data, re-sizing columns, using the lookup wizard
Lesson Three – Including: defining relationships, creating tables, formatting, modifying, using the input mask wizard, using templates, renaming an object
Lesson Four – Including: editing data, adding records, printing preview, changing page orientation, enforcing referential integrity in a relationship, creating a relationship report, creating a form, working with controls in form design, using AutoFormat, modifying properties in a form
Lesson Five – Including: Using advanced sort, using filters, importing a table from an external database using a junction table to resolve a many to many relationship, defining a composite (primary) key, using a calculated control on a form, creating a multi-value field, creating an attachment field.
Lesson Six – Including: using query wizard, setting sort criteria, using expressions to set criteria, creating different types of queries, creating and naming a calculated field in a query using aggregate functions
Lesson Seven – Including: adding a field with data validation in a table, creating a form with subform, entering data using a form/subform combination, creating a split form, creating and modifying the design of a report, using the concatenate expression, adding a subreport to an existing report
Lesson Eight – Including: exporting an html document, understanding object dependencies, importing and exporting a spreadsheet, importing a text file, using the analyze table function, using the analyze performance function, using the database documenter
Lesson Nine – Including: adding and modifying a chart, changing the tab order in a form, displaying the current date and time in a form, applying conditional formatting to a field
Lesson Ten – Including: creating a macro, adding a control button to a form, backing up a database, viewing database properties, compacting and repairing a database, encrypting a database using a password, saving the database as a previous version, splitting a database.
This course should take around 20 to 22 hours to complete.
Our Microsoft Access training course is part of our distance learning range – which can be accessed online via our distance learning portal.
This means that you have the flexibility to study our Microsoft Access course:
- In centre, with our friendly course advisors available for support and guidance as and when you need it.
- At home or from work – with support via email or telephone during working hours.
- On a blended mix – in-centre for the modules you need help with, at home or from work for those you are gliding through.
To find your nearest centre that offers and supports our online excel training, /training-a-z/”>
The best way to make sure your training programme suits you, your skills, your ambitions and your busy schedule, is to get in touch with us for a free, friendly expert career consultation.